Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday Night Hill Intervals: 3 Sets by 2.2 K

Dec. 6, 2018
Warm Up 5.45 K: 34:22.00
Rest: 1:00.04
<Intervals: 6.6 K>
1st 2.2 K: 9.22.05
Rest: 1:00.36
2nd 2.2 K: 9:42.34
Rest: 1:00.19
3rd 2.2 K: 9:24.31
Rest: 1:00.28
Warm Down: 5.45 K: 32:51.55
Total 17.5 K: 1:39:43

A day after doing a 14 K run, I thought I would be too fatigued to do intervals. But I wasn't. So I hit the road as usual. Just to keep myself motivated, I chose to them in a different course 3.7 K away from home, around the Kashiwai Water Treatment Plant. (See above) One lap is 2.2 K. There is a park across the street where tap water is available. It's good for hydration. There is a bush in one corner, which serves as a natural Porta Potti. 

The 2.2 K loop largely looks flat, but you'll notice once you run that there is slight undulation. Plus, there are two moderate down slops and one steep downhill, and one long and steep uphill on one of the longer stretches. It provides me with a perfect environment for building the skills and strength required to run the coming two races scheduled next January and February. Both are extremely hill races.

Although my body shouldn't be in an ideal condition because I donated blood just a couple of days ago, I wasn't too out of breath after running the target distance that was slightly longer than usual. (I usually do intervals with 1 K) Again, I believe it owes a lot to my recent weight loss. 

If I continue to stick to my recent veggie-centered, low starchy diet, and if I discipline myself with rigorous training, it seems not impossible to reduce my weight to below 60 kg. Should that happen, running will be a lot more fun, and I will be prepared to do even more challenging things with higher targets that I would never have imagined myself achieving... 

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