On Wednesday night I ran 6 K after coming home from work. The main purpose was to check my running form. A couple of days before I read a book written by ultra marathon world record holder Takahiro Sunada. He stressed in the book the importance of shifting the center of your body forward in order to create forward movement. The legs will follow it accordingly. When I ran with that in mind, I realized that I had been trying to move legs first and the body followed them. This was a big surprise for me, because when I started running barefoot, that was exactly what I tried to do most. But over the course of time my running form had slowly drifted away from the ideal. The book taught me many other valuable lessons. I realized that LSD, or long slow distance, was significantly lacking in my training. I will try to run a very long distance without worrying about speed, using my time on weekends. I also run that the speed in interval training is less important than the interval between reps. The rest should be short, but the speed doesn't have to be so high. My approach was the other way around.
The book has inspired me to run a ultra marathon someday. I don't know when yet. But the desire is in me. Also, it has inspired me take full marathon more seriously. Running a sub 3.5 marathon has always been a far dream. But now I truly want to give it a shot.
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