I was afraid my feet might feel too cold for barefoot run, but the cold was bearable. I enjoyed the direct tough on the asphalt. The quality of the pavement isn't entirely even. The first 500 M is especially rough, and short strides and soft landing are required. But that is the whole point of barefoot running. You adjust the way you run according to the quality of the road surface, because there is no cushioning to protect your sole.
Past the 500 M point until the 1 K point, the road surface is smooth and landing is easy. I enjoy running this part of the loop most when it comes to barefoot run. The remaining part of the loop is good and bad. Some ares are smooth. But other areas are rough. There are fewer lights, which makes it difficult to detect small and edgy pebbles. Accidental landing on them is quite demotivating, but it happens every now and then. I wish my soles were tough enough not to be bothered by them. But my soles are still not that strong. They never seem to get tougher as I go on with my practice. But all I can do is hang in there and hope they will some day.
I didn't feel warmed up yet when the first lap was over, mostly because I ran very slowly, careful not to damage the sole. My speed wasn't that high also because on the previous night I did intervals and my legs were a bit sore. I thought of stopping, but decided not to. I went on for another lap. I felt fully warmed up shortly after starting the second lap. I picked up the pace slightly, but not too much. The purpose of the training that night wasn't pushing beyond limit. I ran for a daily conditioning of my body.
Toward the end of the second lap I felt a part of my left sole slightly sore. I called it a day when I reached home. I was a bit disappointed I couldn't go farther. But injury should be avoided no matter what. Should I be injured, I would fall behind significantly on my progress. That would suck.
The result is as follows:
1st 2.5 K: 14:14.23
2nd 2.5 K: 13:19.43
Total 5 K: 27:33.66
My next training will be Thursday night. I want to do hill repeats barefoot,