Monday, July 24, 2017

High Intensity Cardio: One-Minute by Ten Sets

If you want to burn many calories, the easiest way to do so is probably slipping your shoes into jogging shoes to hit the road.  You can do it anywhere, anytime, and no equipment is needed. However, one small problem with running is that unless you are able to keep a fairly fast pace, you can't burn many without running a very long distance. Sometimes you don't have time to do it. Is there any alternative? There sure is. That is high intensity cardio.

Different from long slow jogging, high intensity cardio is shorter but more intense as the name suggest. Because of its intensity you cannot sustain the activity for too long, so each set is one minute, and there is a short break after that. Once a minimum rest is taken so that your muscles are charged with just enough energy to do another set, you start the next set. You repeat this cycle as many sets as feel challenging enough.

Today's set is made up of a number of different movements:
1) Burpee with hand-clap push-up and jumping knee tuck
This is a highly challenging opening combination. Because of the intensity of hand-clap push-up and jumping knee tuck you can immediately tell that your entire body gets all fired up!
2) Mountain climbers
This is a well-known cardio workout that engages legs, abs, shoulders, and tri-ceps as well.
3) Jumping leg lunges
This is an all-time favorite of many who want to burn calories quickly. Highly explosive as you use your calves and thighs to jump up to alternate your legs, this is a very good leg exercise, but because your legs account for much of your entire muscle mass, it puts a lot of stress on your cardio. You can tell you quickly get out of breath once you reach this stage.

The above makes up one whole combo. One minute is usually long enough for you to repeat it four times. But as you go through more sets, you get fatigued, each movement taking slightly longer to execute.

The whole exercise was video-recorded today against the background of beautiful sunset so that only my silhouette would be visible, but after shooting, I deleted it from my smartphone by accident, so I would like to share the link to a video in which I'm demonstrating a similar exercise. The only small difference here is that there is pike push-up before mountain climbers, but in the exercise today, that par t wasn't included. It would have been more total-body, if there had been, but the idea just didn't occur to me today.

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