Saturday, August 13, 2016

Summer Break 10 K Run

It is the second day of my summer break.
I feel ecstatic after going for a 10 K practice run in the late afternoon.
I left home ten past five.
The sun was yet to set,
but the unbearable heat of the earlier afternoon was gone,
and there were winds that had in them a faint sign of autumn.
I ran at my comfortable full to half marathon pace.
The route I took today was rich in undulation,
with one steep uphill near the 4 K mark.
I forced my way up it without slowing down much.
My body felt light as it should,
because I weighed almost 1 to 1.5 K lighted than I did a month ago.
Hard work and concentration during the seminar weeks before summer break began
made me less hungry, and I lost weight subsequently.
It was a pleasant surprise that running could become so much easier
just by losing a few pounds!
Anyhow, at the 6.5 K mark I took a two-minute hydration break,
and hit the road again without wasting too much time.
I didn't slow down much after that.
With one more kilometer to go, I put on a spurt
and finished at 51:58.
This isn't such a bad time, considering the heat and inevitable stops from time to time
due to traffic lights.
I will give my legs a rest tomorrow, and train either my core or upper body.,+%E3%80%92285-0856+%E5%8D%83%E8%91%89%E7%9C%8C%E4%BD%90%E5%80%89%E5%B8%82%E4%BA%95%E9%87%8E%E7%94%BA83/35.7126848,140.1344861/@35.7064759,140.1240744,14z/data=!4m44!4m43!1m40!1m1!1s0x602286fa64fac415:0x53f84ac9374210f2!2m2!1d140.1356696!2d35.7133882!3m4!1m2!1d140.1344866!2d35.7126848!3s0x602286f07d9f0451:0xe82a064ea8337d0!3m4!1m2!1d140.1187936!2d35.7116186!3s0x602286de802d9ba5:0x3025386be1de8800!3m4!1m2!1d140.1200153!2d35.6991916!3s0x602286c0458ec6af:0x9c3f3cf7c29ea606!3m4!1m2!1d140.1238148!2d35.6946392!3s0x60228695db57a10f:0x2e7da374ae531822!3m4!1m2!1d140.1368014!2d35.7064624!3s0x602286f363aff69d:0x65ed5e23f2e7f3db!3m4!1m2!1d140.1481987!2d35.7001762!3s0x60228664b2fe5027:0xdf60476ff309ab19!3m4!1m2!1d140.1552085!2d35.7107864!3s0x60228668528e4b47:0xf298df6e4a57988!1m0!3e0

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