I don't feel so cold even in winter.
There are three reasons.
One is a high level of muscle mass.
Two is use of warm underwear.
Three is high exercise metabolism.
Let me explain them one by one.
<High Muscle Mass>
My muscles generate heat from within,
and I always feel warm because of it.
I am relatively muscular for a man of my age.
People say I am.
And I personally make effort to be that way.
I have good reason for it.
I am a runner who trains regularly for races,
which allows me to keep my legs strong.
I also generally feel good about myself
when I'm not out of shape.
<Warm Underwear>
I have warm underwear on,
and it keeps me warm
on days that are unbearably cold to most people.
I don't know about you,
but I have a long commute.
It's good or bad depending on how you look at it.
I personally consider it good
because there isn't much you can do
except for reading books or studying a language.
As for me, I do both, which is good for me,
because I'm a teacher.
But that does't mean that I am completely problem-free.
In fact, I used to feel extremely uncomfortable
commuting in suit.
It's unbearably hot in summer,
and clothes get bulky in winter.
Not only that both your jacket and pants get worn out quickly
as a result of constant friction.
I didn't like it,
so some years ago I started to commute in casual clothes and sneakers,
and to change into my business attire in a secret dressing room near my office.
This gives me greater freedom as to what to wear,
and that goes for underwear too.
My favorite is running spandex pants with raised back.
Boy, they keep you warm no matter how cold it may be!!
One added bonus is that my suits and business shoes now hardly ever get worn out.
That means I need to buy new business clothes far less frequently.
Isn't that friendly to your wallet, or what?
And since I am relatively in shape thanks to the regular exercise mentioned above,
I don't need to spend all that much on clothes either.
Believe it or not, when you are nice and fit,
you look great in the plainest of clothes, such and jeans,T-shirt, and tight-fitting leather coat.
So all I get is this T-shirt and that T-shirt every now and then,
plus some second-hand stuff from thrift shops.
But I don't feel cheap at all,
because, hey, you simply look nice and relaxed in those
when you are fit.
<High Exercise Metabolism>
The last reason why I don't feel so cold even on the coldest of winter days
is I can immediately raise my body heat by doing exercise.
My easiest and most effective way is towel training.
All you do is grab one end of a towel with one hand,
and grab the other end with the other hand.
Put a lot of pressure on it, and then raise it and bring it down
while keeping pressure on it.
You keep it for 30 seconds, and rest for 15 seconds,
and repeat that cycle until you feel warm enough.
There are many different variations of this towel training,
but that's not the point.
My point is if you know how to boost exercise metabolism easily,
cold winter days won't be such a big problem any more.
Today, I illustrated three reasons why I don't feel so cold even in winter.
None of them is miraculous.
All of them are simple, and anyone can apply my practices in their daily life.
None of them costs a lot either.
In fact, most of them mean less money out of your pocket.
I hope you will give it a try.
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