Oct. 29, 2020
4 K: 20:42.75
What is my aging mind-body capable of doing? This simple curiosity is the main engine of my self-expression. Looking forward to sharing with you my fitness endeavors, my nature explorations, language learning, cooking activities, and so on. 『老い』と向かい合いながら人間は、どこまで体力・知力を維持向上できるか?そんな好奇心をもとに、体力維持、英語力の維持・向上、料理、自然探索など様々な分野において、自分史の記録としてブログを書いてます。(チャンネル管理者のYou Tube Channelもヨロシクお願いします/Come visit my You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRYRdNJ7mJ5bWcrl5yC2FA?view_as=subscriber)
Oct. 29, 2020
4 K: 20:42.75
Oct. 26, 2020
4 K Barefoot Jog: 21:25.83
Tire Walk 10 sets by 30 seconds with a 15-sec rest between sets: 9:02.79
You raise the tire in the photo over you head and walk for 30 seconds. Rest 15 seconds. Repeat until you hit 10 sets. Easy at first. But it becomes progressively harder as you go through more sets with building lactic acid making it hard to hold the tire above your head. It hits traps and tri-ceps as well as shoulders.
4 K Barefoot Jog: 21:16.06
Oct. 27, 2020
3.1 K Jog: 17:30.44
6 K Tempo Run (Target=4:55/K): 28:00.85 (Average 4:40/K)
3.1 K: Jog: 18:48.25
Total 12.2 K: 1:04:19
Oct. 22, 2020
15. 7 K: 1:29:38
Oct. 21, 22
Did intervals at midnight in Vibram 5 Fingers. Ran on sidewalks to avoid traffic. The road surface was uneven and uncomfortable to run on, but the Vibram provided a solid protection of the sole.
Warm Up 3.4 K: 19:56.90
Rest: 1:00.19
I did the intervals after jogging for about 20 minutes. I measured a new 1 K loop on Google Map, and tried running it for the first time.
In the first fast run, I took a wrong turn and ended up running a shorter loop. But from the second set on I ran the correct course. I ran at a brisk pace in the first 2 sets. But then the time dipped badly in the 3rd set. It improved a little in the following set. But it didn't stay good in the following one. At this point, I felt I was running out of gas. Instead of pushing myself further, I decided to cool down.
0.85 K: 3:25.09
Rest: 1:00.23
1 K: 4:14.54
Rest: 1:00.15
1 K: 4:13.85
Rest: 1:00.33
1 K: 4:26.82
Rest: 1:00.56
1 K: 4:22.67
Rest: 1:00.40
1 K: 4:38.83
Rest: 1:29.60
Jog 0.86 K: 5:14.83
Rest: 0:45.38
I jogged for about 5 minutes to reach the community park near my house. I could have called it a day. But instead of going home, I did one last fast run, hoping to finish under the target of 4:25. I didn't. It was at this point that I realized that I had run out of gas. At least for the night.
1 K: 4:31.79
Rest: 1:00.19
I could have gone straight home. But I jogged for another 16 minutes or so, because fitness benefit is supposed to be very large if you jog after intervals.
Warm Down 2.64 K: 16:39.26
Total 13.75 K: 1:21:01
Oct 21, 2020
12 K: 1:02:00
Oct. 12, 2020
6 K: 36:00.00
Ran in aqua shoes. Aimed for 10 K or more, but felt a bit tired, so turned back after running 3 K to cover 6 K in total.
Oct. 13, 2020
10.6 K: 1:01.00
Ran in bare feet. Felt awesome. Ran on the sidewalk at first to observe good manners of citizen runner. But the surface condition was terrible, and it felt beyond uncomfortable and a bit painful at times. So ran on the driving road when cars were absent. Much of the time cars WERE absent, because it was past midnight.
The pain in the right foot that had plagued me for weeks a couple of months before was non-existent. It's such a great feeling to be able to run pain-free!
Want to increase running distance and training intensity. Not too soon. But gradually. I'm beginning to learn what the optimal level of challengingness is for me.
Oct. 10, 2020
It rained all day today, so I worked out from home.
Oct. 11, 2020
Double Training
5.5 K: 30:47.35
Sub-total: 5.5 K: 30:47.35
<Late Night>
3.5 K: 20:50.53
1 K: 4:16.25
Rest: 1:00.28
1 K: 4:13.28
Rest: 1:00.44
3.5 K: 21:19.91
Sub-total 9 K: 53:40.93
Daily total 14.5 K: 1:24:31.46
Oct. 4, 2020
23.66 K: 2:20:57
I ran with a friend followed by another friend who was on a bike. Together we ran the 5 K loop below 5 times with two brief breaks after 10 K and 15 K. Five by five makes 25, but the Garmin on my friend's wrist said 23.66 K, because in the first lap we missed the small loop inside the park. We realized that while running the 2nd lap, and from that point on ran the entire 5 K distance with each lap. It was a fun ran without any target pace. We went with the flow as we chatted along the way.
When we finished the last lap, I bought a bottle of sports drink from a vending machine and quenched my thirst. It felt great. After that me and my friends hit a nearby ramen restaurant and enjoyed having lunch together.
It was drizzling early in the morning, but the sky cleared once we started running, and it remained sunny during our run. All in all, it was a fantastic fun run. I thought I should train with friends more.
Oct. 5, 2020
After the long slow run yesterday I had a good rest and ate well to recharge my body's batteries. By the night I felt fully recovered, so I decided to go for some fast runs. It wasn't in the plan. I just followed my instinct. But the training proved fairly good. Two months ago when I got my right foot slightly injured, I figured it was because the target was too high, and also because the transition to the higher target was too soon.
So tonight I raised the bar of my interval target only by 5 seconds from my previous target of 4:30 when I was aiming to run a sub 3.5 marathon.
It turned out to be optimal. It felt reasonably challenging, but not painful to the point of being demotivating.
I will stick to the pace for a while. And I will increase the number of reps to increase the challenge, instead of raising the bar in terms of target time.
Interval Training: 7 sets by 1 K @ 4:25 with 1-minute rest
3.4 K Jog: 19:09.59
Rest: 1:00.31
1st K: 3:56.60
Rest: 1:03.50
2nd K: 4:08.19
Rest: 1:00.31
3rd K: 4:15.54
Rest: 1:00.08
4th K: 4:19.46
Rest: 1:00.17
5th K: 4:20.54
Rest: 1:00.33
6th K: 4:20.94
Rest: 1:00.07
7th K: 4:11.46
Rest: 1:08.30
3.4 K jog: 20:32.86
Total 14.29 K: 1:17:28